Saturday 30 April 2022

Workin' The Gear

I think that there are a lot of confused photographers out there. In photographic media we are simultaneously told that ''Gear doesn't matter.''  Then  we are bombarded with endless advertisements and gear reviews of the latest whiz-bang products. I kind of subscribe to the ''Gear doesn't matter.'' camp. (Says the guy who owns far more gear than he needs or uses on a regular basis.)

    For almost three years I used two cameras. A Fuji X70 and a Fuji X100F. Both are relatively small cameras with fixed lenses. There are no options for interchangeable lenses on them apart from some moderate lens extenders that thread on to the front of their existing lenses. I remember a photographic friend asking, '' Why would you buy a camera that you can't change lenses on?''                                                                                                                                            

     The reality is simple. Reduced equipment choices can actually lead to better photography. I don't have the ease of just snapping a zoom lens on the camera and zooming until I have framed the subject the way I want. I have to work for the shot. If possible, I have to physically move closer to my subject. If physical barriers prevent me from framing my subject without the advantage of a zoom lens, I'm forced to use composition to direct the viewer's attention to the main subject which is not dominating the frame. It makes me move to find the best elements of composition. It makes me more aware of the elements within the frame and how to utilize them to best advantage. I don't have the ability to just zoom in until visual distractions are cropped out of the picture.                                                                                                                  

     And, last but not least,  If I use a prime (non zooming) lens long enough I become comfortable with a predictable field of view. I know how that lens ''sees'' a scene for the camera before I even put the camera to my eye. In street photography, where things  can change quickly, that predictability can make the difference between getting the shot or losing it while I fuss about with a zoom control.

    Since acquiring those first two Fuji cameras I have acquired other cameras that have the capacity for interchangeable lenses. It's nice to be able to tailor equipment  for specific applications. However, of the four lenses I own for them, only one is a zoom. I still prefer prime lenses for their smaller size, better light gathering capability and focusing speed. What can I say? Sometimes old school is good school.

    However, for most general applications, it's hard to beat the versatility offered by zoom lenses. They generally work well in decent light and allow the photographer the ability to frame the composition more easily. 
Shameless plug. This picture is available as a 13''X 19'' print, custom matted and framed at the Taren White Gallery if you're in the Paris/Brant County area.

    So in answer to the age old photographic question, ''Does gear matter?''  All I can say is that there are usually work arounds for almost any situation. Does gear matter? Well, no it kind of doesn't ....Until it does!

            …more later 

     As usual if you like what you see here feel free to like and share to the media platform of you choice. If you keep reading them, I'll keep cranking them out!