Monday 2 September 2024

Labour Day 2024

     I owe my regular readers an apology. Without any notice, I have failed to publish a blog post for the last Saturday of July and I'm late in getting this post out, as Aug. 31 was the last Saturday of August. 

    I took a hiatus while I considered giving up the blog.

    I have to admit to being somewhat discouraged by the low number of page views that the blog receives. It led me to the point where I became something akin to a petulant child. "Why should I write it if no one's going to read it?"  

    When did I get so damned arrogant? I should be grateful that anyone at all shows an interest in what I write and in the photographs that I make. 

    The reality of creative expression is this. No on owes me a page view. No one owes me a "like" on social media. No one is required to visit  whatever public venue might be displaying my work. It is an honour that anyone at all is interested and supportive of what I do. Furthermore, it is an honour that I shouldn't take lightly.

    That being said, I'm back. I traditionally publish a piece on the Labour Day Weekend and this year should be no exception. 

    This Labour Day weekend I did something that I haven't done in years. We went to the Burlington Ribfest. Billed as "Canada's Largest Ribfest," it has become something of a Labour Day tradition in its own right. We enjoyed a good feed of ribs from one of the vendors and listened to two cover bands performing some classic rock. The evening before, we attended a "Shakespeare in the Park" production of "As You Like It" performed on the grounds of Dundurn Castle in Hamilton. Sometimes that's how we roll. Shakespeare in the park one day and ribs and classic rock the next!  



       Although I haven't taken any long trips this summer (I do have a short vacation trip coming up soon.) I have enjoyed  some memorable events and moments during the Summer of '24.
     I spent an afternoon at the Cactus Festival in Dundas, as well as exploring the Carnegie Gallery in that community. The gallery featured a number of photographs by local photographer Paul Simon   I had the pleasure of meeting Paul a while ago. He does some very impressive photography.

    My son, Greg and I were displaying some work of our own over the summer at the Dog-Eared Café here in Paris, On. Our pictures were well received and it's always a pleasure to work with Jeanette and Darren of the Dog-Eared Café.

     Probably the most memorable evening of the summer was when we enjoyed a dinner of fish and chips at Hutch's On the Beach in Hamilton. We followed it with a sunset walk along Van Wagners Beach. It was a beautiful evening and although we avoided getting rained on, you could see the rain showers out on the lake. The light was just awesome!.


    So, as the Summer of '24 draws to a close, there is the usual bittersweet feeling that accompanies Labour Day. A bit of sadness as we say farewell to the long warm days of Summer coupled with the happy anticipation of the Autumn season ahead, my favourite time of the year.

    So I guess that I'm back to  cranking out a blog post on the last Saturday of every month. Thank you to all my regular readers for sticking with me. Your kindness and support is greatly appreciated.

                                                           ...more later  


       As usual, if you like what you see here feel free to hit "like" and share it to the media platform of your choice.                                           



  1. I for one of Your Members that always enjoy the BLOG, say thanks and You have a lot of great ensites and information to enjoy. I especially like the choice of the Photos You share. You have always impressed Me with Your choices and composition. The colors of the Fuji bodies is amazing and Your shots are always “IN FOCUS”

    1. Thank you Neal. I appreciate your kindness and support.
