Saturday 28 September 2024


     September. That month of suspended transition. The trees have started to change colour but have not, as yet, reached their glorious peak. Although the days can be pretty much as warm as in the summer months, the nights are cooler, a harbinger of the cooler months to come. The kids are back to school and most people have finished their summer vacations. We don't have quite the activity of summer, but the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is still a ways off.

    I had a very nice September this year. In addition to my usual photo activities in Paris and Hamilton, I managed to get away for a brief vacation to Pelee Island with my significant other.

Pelee Island Sunset

Pelee Island Lighthouse



Trellis Pattern Leamington On.

Ferry Dock, Leamington, On.

The old Pelee Islander, Leamington, On.




Sunset at the Ferry Dock, Pelee Island, On

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Closer to home, I got out on a beautiful foggy morning to make some pictures of Paris.  I love how fog tends to mute colours and provide a plain backdrop to isolate a subject.

     Ultimately, for me, the joy of photography is found in the ability to previsualize an image and then have the knowledge and capacity to make it a reality.  Fundamentally, it's about creative choices. Sometimes these choices are made with careful deliberation, other times they are made almost instantaneously. What I said earlier about September being a month of suspended transition lends itself to this photographic philosophy. It's up to the photographer to make the necessary creative decisions in utlizing it.     

    So as September ends, I'm looking forward to October, when the fall colours are at their peak and every moment spent outside seems almost magical.  

                        ...more later

    As always, if you like what you see here, feel free to "like" and share on the media platform of you choice.

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